Monday 31 December 2012

Day 366, 31st December , Coolangatta Beach

Day  366, 31st December ,  Coolangatta  Beach,  Happy  New  Year,  the  last  day  of  2012,  the  last  day  of  my  yearly  challenge ...thank you  to those  that  have  followed me ,  encouraged  me,  helped me , pushed  me ..  every  comment  and  every  like  has not  gone un-noticed.  I  wish  you  all  a  Very Happy  New Year !!and  Thank you  !!!

Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 365, 30th December ducks playing chase

Day  365,  30th December  ducks  playing  chase,  morning  trip to the  park ,  let the  grand kids  feed the  ducks,  and  have  a quick  play in the park  , before their long  drive  home :(  hugs  and  cuddles miss you 

Saturday 29 December 2012

Day 364, 29th December Sanctuary Cove

Day  364,  29th December  Sanctuary Cove for a  visit,  pretty  place ,  beaut day   for  being  on  the  coast

Friday 28 December 2012

Day 363, 28th December Alma Park Zoo , the peacock showing off

Day 363, 28th December Alma  Park  Zoo with  the  family  .. this  peacock  sure  did  put on a  show ..  dancing and  prancing  around ..  showing  off his  beautiful  tail  feathers

Thursday 27 December 2012

Day 362, 27th December Wellington Point

Day  362, 27th December   Wellington Point ,  very  windy ,  the  water  was  very  choppy ..  didnt stay  fishing  here  long :(

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Day 361, 26th December , Daisy Hill, Boxing day with the family ♥

Day  361,  26th December ,   Daisy  Hill,  Boxing  day  with  the  family  ♥ lots  of  wallabies with  their  Joeys,  all  friendly  just  wanting a pat and  checking  out  the  foods .... so  cute 

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Day 360, 25th December Christmas Day , 1st photo with the new lens ♥

Day  360, 25th December  Christmas  Day ,  1st photo  with  the new lens  ♥ the  moon  tonight ,yep  im  sure  this  lens and  me are  going to be best buddies ..omg  i  love it  ..thank you  Santa  ♥

Monday 24 December 2012

Day 359, 24th December, took the zoom to the lagoon

Day  359, 24th December,  took  the  zoom to  the  lagoon and  got  a few  birds .. this  Darter came up  with a little fish  and  in the blink of  an  eye the  little  fish  was  gone .. swallowed  ....  gulp , back  down the  bird went ...  and  they  can  stay  down  for  ages

Sunday 23 December 2012

Day 358, 23rd December Christmas Eve tomorrow

Day  358, 23rd December   Christmas  Eve tomorrow  and  the  rush  that  goes  with  it .. i  will take  time  out and  grab  the camera .. 

Saturday 22 December 2012

Day 357, 22nd December , i got a new orchid today

Day  357, 22nd December ,  i  got a new  orchid today looks  like a butterfly  in the middle of the petals ♥

Friday 21 December 2012

Day 356, 21st December some fun snacks were made / decorated

Day  356, 21st December   some  fun  snacks were  made / decorated,  fruit cake , white  rocky  road, and choc  chip  melted  snowmen,  fun  in  the kitchen  today  :)

Thursday 20 December 2012

Day 355, 20th December jumping spider , in the garden

Day  355,  20th December  jumping  spider , in the garden, from  leaf  to  leaf ..  he  jumps real  fast

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Day 354, 19th December the poor baby gecko has lost his tail

Day  354,  the poor  baby  gecko  has  lost  his  tail ,  he was  running  in  my  kitchen  when  i  caught him ...wonder  what he is thinking  of me now ...  picked the  wrong  kitchen ..

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Day 353, 18th June A quick stop off at a beaut little park

Day 353, 18th June ,  a  quick stop off at this  beaut litttle  park , on  my  way to  a  Christmas  get together  lunch,  love  this  little  park , its nice  and  quiet ,with  wonderful  water features 

Monday 17 December 2012

Day 352, 17th December Christmas Potpourri

Day  352, 17th December Christmas Potpourri,  macro  of  some  of the  shells and  plant  in  the  potpourri , some have been  died , others  painted , added to the basket are some  pine cones  painted  black  and  gold

Sunday 16 December 2012

Day 351, 16th December kids being kids on a hot day

Day  351,  16th December  kids being  kids  on  a hot  day , clear  blue  sky ,  beautiful  blue  waters of Moreton  Bay ,1 2 3   off the  jetty  with  a splash  :)

Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 350 , 15th December found this water dragon

Day  350 , 15th  December   found this  water dragon  eating  some  pineapple  pieces  at Canungra , he was happy  to  finish his eating  before scurrying  away to the water

Friday 14 December 2012

Day 349, 14th December the old jetty at Cleveland Point

Day 349, 14th December  the old  jetty  at  Cleveland Point ,  some 1 has  put some  wood  back  on it, i  hope this  lasts a while  longer  yet. Its beautiful place  of  a morning , and  as the  sun  sets of an  evening ...and  this  pic was  in the middle of the day , its a nice  spot all the time  :)

Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 348, 13th December christmas lights Mrs Clause

Day 348, 13th December ,  i  should  have been  on  my  bike ..  leave a little  earlier tomorrow  to  go  looking at  Christmas  lights,   it  was  way too  dark

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Day 347, December 12 , how could I not

Day 347, December  12 , how  could I  not ,  here  it is ..  the  12 / 12 / 12  at  12:12 pm ..the  last  time this will happen  in  my  life time

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day 346, 11th December , Christmas cooking

Day  346, 11th December ,  Christmas  cooking  will start next week,  at the moment the biscuit  jar is full of  choc  chip  bics .. next week  might  be  ginger bread  men / reindeers, or  short bread

Monday 10 December 2012

Day 345 , 10th December frangipani flowers in bloom

Day  345 , 10th December frangipani flowers  in  bloom,  out of the  3 young trees ,  2  are flowering  well,  this i  is a mixture of  both  pale  pinks and the yellows 

Sunday 9 December 2012

Day 344, 9th December , went to the lagoon

Day  344,  9th December ,  went to the lagoon  for a  drive and some fresh  air this  evening , the  sun  set  while  not spectacular it was  pretty ,  lots of  pinks and  golden  orange and  yellows

Saturday 8 December 2012

Day 343, 8th December the clock in King George Square Brisbane

Day  343, 8th December  the  clock  in  King George Square Brisbane,  grey  day,  boring  sky,  nice trip into the city,  saw a few  things  snapped a few  things .. Christmas  shopping all  over and  done with,  the  trip to the city  finished the day  nicely

Friday 7 December 2012

Day 342, 7th December the friendly kookaburra

Day  342, 7th December   the  friendly  kookaburra, this is at my  mums  home .. he comes  every  day  for a  feed then  off  he  goes

Thursday 6 December 2012

Day 341, 6th December the lagoon this evening

Day  341, 6th December  the  lagoon  this  evening ,  beautiful  evening  except  for the bugs ..some  pretty  pink  clouds ,  but  nothing  to  spectacular

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Day 340, 5th December, Benji

Day  340,  5th  December,  the  last  day  of  play times,   tomorrow arvo  its  time to  pack the  bag,  and have a bath,  for  on Friday  morning  he  leaves  :(  the  last baby  to  go

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Day 339, 4th December

Day 339, 4th December,  the  lorikeets  are  not  visiting as  often  now .. as  all the  trees in the  yard  behind my  home are  losing their leaves and  bark  yard  is a  mess from  gum  tree leaves , bark and  branches ...  it happens  every  year, and the lorikeets aparently  dont  like the  noise of the leaves and  bark  falling...  this  1  stayed in the frangipani tree alert  as  alert can  be

Monday 3 December 2012

Day 338, 3rd December how hot was it today

Day  338,  3rd December   how  hot  was it  today was a  scorcher and tomorrow  is going to  be hotter,  missed  my  chance tonight  with the lightning,  maybe  tomorrow

Sunday 2 December 2012

Day 337, 2nd December the Lagoon just before dusk

337, 2nd December  the  Lagoon just before  dusk ,  the  sun  is  still  up , but some  colours  are  setting in  ready  for  sunset 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Day 336 , 1st December , clear night sky .. the moon

Day 336 , 1st December  on  a clear  hot  night, the big  bright  moon,  so  much  cooler  outside .. pity  about the  mozzies

Friday 30 November 2012

Day 335, 30th November hiden pug

Day 335, 30th November hiden  pug  ...if  i  sit here  real  quiet ..they  wont see me...  they  wont  sell  me

Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 334 , 29th November , the spider web

Day 334 , 29th November , the spider web got a spay of water as i watered the orchids

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day 333, 28th November , the droplets on the feather

Day  333,  28th November ,  the droplets on the  feather,  i  should  have  been taking the puppies  photos ..but  hey  this is  more  fun .. and  less  painful then  been  eaten alive  from the  toes up

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Day 332, 27th November bokeh and star bursts

Day 332,  27th November   bokeh and star  bursts,  just  little  starbursts on the  water  droplets 

Monday 26 November 2012

Day 331, 26th November , the key board

Day  331, 26th November ,  the  key board, the mouse  the  monitor ...  the computer!!! .. so  over it today  spent  far to  long  sitting and  working at  it    ..

Sunday 25 November 2012

Day 330, 25th November Mt Tamborine

Day  330, 25th November   a  nice  arvo  drive  up the mountain,  pretty  colours   looked like a storm  was  brewing to the  left , but the  clouds  all  rolled away, to  a  clear  sky

Saturday 24 November 2012

Day 329, 24th November Happy Birthday Mum

Day 329, 24th November  Happy  Birthday  Mum , hope you  had a fantastic  day 
love  you  heaps 

Friday 23 November 2012

Day 328 , 23rd November playing again today... smoke

Day  328 ,  23rd November   playing  again today.. this  time  with  smoke , incense  sticks ,  wonderful  smell  and  pretty  patterns

Thursday 22 November 2012

Day 327, 22nd November the Rubix cube

Day  327, 22nd November the  Rubix cube ,  little  bit of  fun, but it was  more of  practice to  get  blacks  black  ,  whites  white , and  brights  bright ...  think i  got it ?

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Day 325, 20th November the broken off orchid

Day 325, 20th November the broken off orchid flower... accidently broke the flower off as i reached for some thing behind it ...oh well get the reflection board out .. make the most of the opportunity

Monday 19 November 2012

Day 324, 19th November , the dancing lady orchid

Day  324, 19th November ,  the  dancing  lady  orchid  copped a beating in the storms , but  by today  most  were  standing  straight   again

Sunday 18 November 2012

Day 323, 18th November watching the different colours as the sun goes down

Day 323,  18th November    watching  the  different  colours  as the  sun  goes  down , and  a storm  moves  in,  wonder  what it was that  these  2  girls  found in the  shallow  waters ?

Saturday 17 November 2012

Day 322, 17th November ... storms

Day 322, 17th November ... storms i  got  eaten  alive  by  mozzies  outside  but the  few  shots  i  got  i think  were  worth  it,  lots  of  lightning  strikes  lit up the  sky like it was  day time

Friday 16 November 2012

Day 321, 16th November , in coming pelican

Day  321, 16th November , in  coming  pelican ... ready to  lower the landing  gear .....  ready  for  splash  down

Thursday 15 November 2012

Day 320, 15th November in the fresh mountain air

Day 320, 15th November  in the  fresh  mountain air ,  views forever ,a  beautiful  country  

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Day 319, 14th November the baby swallows

Day 319, 14th November the baby swallows being fed by the parents .. zoom zoom in and out they fly so fast

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Day 318, 13th November , the Lorikeet

Day  318, 13th November ,  im  sure  he is  thinking .. hurry  up  get the  pic and  go  back inside

Monday 12 November 2012

Day 317, 12th November , the last book that Bryce Courtenay

Day  317,  12th November  ,  the  last  book  that  Bryce  Courtenay  will write ,  this  was  a gift for  my  29th  Wedding  anniversary ♥